
AKI launches Artificial Intelligence challenge for insurance industry.

The Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) in partnership with Caava VantagePoint AI (CVPAI),have launched an Artificial Intelligence challenge for the insurance industry.

The AKI AI Innovation Challenge is aimed at sparking the use of advanced AI capabilities. This challenge invites participants to leverage a provided dataset and use Chat GPT 4 to analyse data, unearth actionable insights, and develop AI-driven solutions that enhance accessibility, efficiency, and personalization in insurance products and services.

Corporate teams have been invited to submit comprehensive reports outlining their analysis, insights and proposed solutions derived from the provided data set by 29th April 2024. A panel of judges will review the submissions and invite the finalists to the live competition on 10th May 2024.

ClickHERE to register for the Challenge. A 10% discount of the Seminar fees applies for registered teams. 

The AI Challenge is part of the activities leading up to the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Seminar slated for 9th and 10th May in Nairobi. With the rapid advancement of AI and ML technologies, the insurance industry stands on the cusp of a profound transformation. “Our objective for the seminar is to catalyse the adoption of AI and ML innovations by the insurance industry to transform retail insurance products and insurance operations from pricing, underwriting, to distribution and even claims management,” said AKI Executive Director, Mr. Tom Gichuhi.

The AKI AI Innovation Challenge represents a significant milestone in the journey towards embracing AI and ML technologies in the insurance sector and we are excited to witness the creative solutions that will emerge from this competition and their potential to redefine industry standards," remarked Mr. Ayisi Makatiani, the Co-founder of Caava VantagePoint AI.

Sign up for the Seminar HERE


April 25th, 2024


Hazel Kingori


AI, ML, Life Insurance, general Insurance, Medical Insurance, Marine insurance, Careers, Leadership, technology, digital transformation
